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"Close your eyes. Think of a time where you were truly happy together.Then I want you to think of him just like that. 'Cause that's how happy he'll always be as long as you carry that with you. Now I want you to tell him that you won't ever forget him."
—Marjan Marwani[src]

Marjan Marwani is a main character of FOX's 9-1-1: Lone Star who is a firefighter in the newly rebuilt Station 126 located in Austin, Texas. She debuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Natacha Karam.


Early Life[]

Her parents immigrated from Lebanon to Miami where they raised her and her sister.

On the way back from a soccer game when Marjan was 10 years old, she got in a bad car accident. Her childhood best friend and his parents all died in the accident. Marjan was the sole survivor. The injured girl was taken to the hospital, where her concerned parents expressed relief that she was okay, despite her grief over her loss.

Before becoming a member of the 126, Marjan worked in the Miami Fire Department and was known for her adrenaline and quick actions taken during emergencies. As a result of her continuous actions, she racked up 11 reprimands in a single year for insubordination or reckless behavior. However, after jumping into a river against orders to rescue two civilians trapped in a sinking car, she gained more respect in her firehouse and popularity.

Joining the 126[]

She's close to everyone in the 126 but especially Paul and Mateo. She's always excited to be the one to do dangerous rescues like after the tornado in "Act of God", where she's the one who saves a woman stuck in her car, in the air, between two buildings, feeling a little annoyed when none of that was caught on camera. Same thing happen in "2100°", when she's excited as she "gets to" rappel into a hole full of steam created by a volcano to save a man.

Going Viral a Second Time[]

During "Texas Proud", Marjan fell into the silo and when she gets out of it, she lost her hijab and someone filmed the situation before the team can form a wall to stop anyone else from seeing her. Later, when she's at her mosque, one of the woman tells her that some of them here are concerned about her lack of modesty and that, since Marjan is new to town and still haven't put down roots, she should consider finding another mosque. Marjan talks to Paul about what happened at the mosque and he tells her that she shouldn't let them shame her for being proud and stride in there with her hijab held up high.

Getting Cancelled[]

In "Slow Burn", Marjan and the 126 go to an emergency call on the highway where a truck is falling off a bridge being only hold by chains. Marjan is interrupted by civilians who are filming her and asking her to say a few words to the camera. She does it before making her way to the truck. Judd, who captains while Owen is recovering, sends Marjan and Paul to help the two people stuck in the truck. Paul managed to get the woman - McKenna - out of the car safely while Marjan is taking care of her husband, Brady. Unfortunately, the chains break before Marjan could get to him, and he dies in the ensuing explosion.

Later that day, she goes to a board games night at TK and Carlos' house with Nancy and the rest of the 126 where they have fun until her phone starts blowing up and she discovered many mean comments online and her being tagged multiples times in a video. The video is made by McKenna who tells everyone that Marjan is at fault when it comes to Brady's death because she was bragging about herself and taking her time before going to try and save them.

When she meets up with her derby roller team, her captain tells her that she got from the Houston Invitational who now wants to uninvite them because of Marjan being cancelled online. The girls tell Marjan that they're supporting her anyway but Marjan tells them that she doesn't want to ruin their fun and take herself off the team. While she's having lunch with Paul, Marjan questions the fact that maybe McKenna was right and Marjan is only a firefighter for the spotlight, Paul asks her that what if she could save Brady but she had to die in case to do that, would she do it? Marjan instantly answers yes and Paul tells her that this is who she is, whether a camera is present or not. Marjan decides to go to McKenna's house to explain and apologize to her, despite Paul's objections, though he later arrives after changing his mind. The pair discovers a post that looks like a suicide letter online and brute force their way in, finding McKenna unconscious in her bath with her wrists open. They manage to stop the bleeding on time for the paramedics to come, and Marjan advises the paramedic - one of her instagram followers - not to publicize the incident.

Changing Firehouse[]

After the firehouse was destroyed "The Big Heat", Marjan starts working with the 122 until the 126 firehouse is rebuilt. There, she joins Paul and Judd who now work there too. When the 126 and their loved ones go to rebuild the firehouse on their own, Marjan is present when Billy announces that he's shutting down the 126 permanently.

Fighting for the 126[]

In "The Big Chill", Marjan is outside of the firehouse when it's about to be demolished. She calls Judd to come with her but he declines her call. When she sees the demolition ball she runs and steps in front of it before handcuffing herself to the firehouse. She starts an Instagram live asking her followers to help reach her goal of 4.6 million dollars on their GoFundMe page to help reopen the firehouse. It starts snowing at that moment. Carlos arrives and arrests her. In the way to the precinct, Carlos tells her that she has to stop, Marjan replies that she won't. Carlos tells her that everyone's devastated by the demolition of the 126 but they all have accepted it, brutal as it is. Marjan asks him if he's talking about the firehouse or about himself and a certain paramedic. Carlos tells her that it's important to know when a thing's over and when it's time to move on. Marjan says that it's more like giving up and that they used to be a family, Carlos says that they're now a slightly estranged family.

Once she's in jail, Marjan is bailed out by Billy Tyson. She tells him that he should put her back into jail and starts walking away to live the police station. Billy tells her that he could've fired or suspended her but didn't, she tells him that if he did fire her, her story would've gotten more traction. Billy continues by saying that he needs her help, building up the department instead of tearing it down. She asks him why would she help him when he closed down their firehouse and railroad Owen too. Billy is confused about that and Marjan tells him that Owen satisfy every term of his suspension: community services, anger management,... but it wasn't enough for the department. Billy tells her that Owen might not have been totally honest with her and that this isn't the reason why Owen is gone. Billy decides to Airdrop Marjan Owen's contract of employment so she can learns the truth and before Marjan leaves, Billy asks her to tell Judd to call him back because since Judd was dodging Billy's calls. She replies that maybe he should take a hint.

At the 129, Paul notices Marjan coming in and looking angry. He warns Judd about it before she gets to them. Judd apologizes for not taking her call in the morning and that she was most likely there when the demolition ball swung, Marjan replies that there was no ball swinging and that the 126 is still standing for the time being. Marjan says that everyone gave up when Owen ditched them and Paul replies that he didn't, as the department just wouldn't reinstate him. Marjan tells him that this isn't actually true and that he could've been reinstated the next day but he chose not to. Marjan shows them the apology letter that Billy sends her and that all Owen had to do was sign it and he didn't. Judd tells her that he wouldn't apologize to that snake - Billy - either. Marjan says that if he had just sucked up his pride, he could've been helping them fight for the 126. Paul tells her that that fight has been over months and Marjan replies that it's only over because Owen walked away and when they lost their leader, they lost each other. Marjan turns away and starts leaving, both men ask her what she's doing and she tells them that she's going to get him back and to tell Captain Andrews, she's taking a snow day after Judd reminds her she has a shift.

Marjan gets to the Hill Country and enters Owen's cabin when he opens the door, taking time to hug Buttercup when she's inside. Owen asks her if something happened and she tells him that nothing happened and that's why she's here. Marjan reminds him that it's demolition day, he tells her that he apparently missed the livestream and she replies that he did but that the ice storm has stopped the demolition process and that the building is still standing. Owen is confused about what she's getting at and Marjan tells him that the universe intervened, it gave them a stay of execution, that it's speaking to them and that they need to listen. Owen tells her that the universe doesn't speak. Owen tells her that the cold will go away and the firehouse will be destroyed and that she has to accept they've done everything they could. Marjan asks him if they really did everything they could before showing him the apology letter he was supposed to sign. Marjan tells him that he could've sign it months ago and be reinstated and asks him why he didn't. Owen replies that because it'd be a lie since he's not sorry he punched Billy. Marjan tells him that none of them are sorry it happened but that he let pride get in the way of what matters the most: putting their house back together. Owen tells her that even if he signs that letter, it won't bring back the 126 together, since the 126 is buried, regardless what Owen does. Marjan tells him that they've brought people back from the dead, how can he just give up like that. Owen answers that he can because he's tired of playing the hero since it only gives him haters, like Billy who just want to take him down, any way they can. Owen tells her that he learned his lesson and that he didn't give up, he's given in to reality and that's something Marjan should consider because they can't save the world since the world doesn't want to be saved. So instead of fighting it, he's going to try to enjoy it for the first time. Marjan accepts it reluctantly and starts leaving, refusing Owen's offer to stay until the storm passes. She puts the apology letter on his table and leaves his cabin.

When she's going back to Austin with her car, Marjan swerves to avoid hitting a car that was parked in the way, fell off an hill into bushes. She wakes up some unknown time later, with her nose bleeding. She cleans it and realizing she has no service and that snow has heavily fallen on her car. She shoves her shoulder against the car door and opens it, realising she's in the middle of nowhere.

When she gains back consciousness, Marjan hears a man outside asking if anyone is around and goes up the hill to meet him, only to realises that he left already. Later, while she's walking in the snow, Marjan sees the sheriff with a man and tries to get their attention. From afar, Marjan sees the sheriff killing the man and she starts running away after he notices her. She hides in the woods from him before taking her phone and calling Owen, going straight to voicemail. She tells him she was in an accident and that while she was walking up the road, she saw a cop shoot somebody, in cold blood. She continues by saying that he saw her and is probably looking for her right now. She tells him that she's on his way to him but in case she doesn't make it, the cop is a Kerr County Sheriff and that whatever he does, he shouldn't go near him. Marjan manages to get to the cabin and sees the sheriff coming inside of it. Marjan observes the situation from outside, seeing when the sheriff is holding Owen and Sadie at gunpoint so she goes back to the sheriff cruiser trying to find something to help her, she tries to take his riffle but fails as it is locked. She goes behind the house and finds something. She turns on the siren of the cruiser and sticks her scarf in the gas tank so Owen knows she's there before she lights up her scarf with a match she found, and making the cruiser explodes right before Owen knocks the sheriff down. When he's unconscious, after the help of Elena who kicked him in the head, Sadie comes outside and he's confused about what happened and what a Marwani is when Owen mentions it, he shows her Marjan calling her "his friend a big-time badass". Marjan tells him she learned from the best, him.

Later, she's talking with Sadie about the apology letter situation. Sadie says that she's confused about why Owen won't sign the apology letter, wondering if it's an ego thing or a guy thing. She continues by saying that everyone knew this "Bobby" had it coming so is he really gonna let him win. Owen corrects her, saying that it's Billy not Bobby before asking Marjan if she's serious, Marjan replies that she only wanted another opinion, Owen says that it's not another opinion, it's her opinion. Then, they watch as Elena reunites with her sons and Marjan points out how amazing it is when a family never stops fighting for each other. Owen replies, calling her out on her not being very subtle.

Marjan and Owen get in his car with Buttercup so they can drive back to Austin. Marjan asks him how he want to do this and when Owen is confused, she clarifies, asking if he wants to go straight to the headquarters so he can deliver his letter of apology to Billy and be reinstated or if they drop Buttercup home first. Owen asks her why she thinks he's going to come back and Marjan replies because "they're going back". Owen says that she is coming back, implying that he isn't. Marjan tells him that he packed all his stuff and Owen replies that because he has to stay mobile but he doesn't know what he's going to do yet apart from giving her a ride back to Austin. Marjan asks him if that's it and Owen tells her that he's very appreciative of the fact that she helped him out. and that he's going to make sure she gets home safely. Marjan reminds him that by "helping out" he means saving his life from being murdered, Owen agrees, and Marjan says that he owns her more than a ride and that Owen needs to sign the apology letter so he can go back to being their captain like they talked about. Owen reminds her that she's the only one who talked about it, he didn't say anything but no. Marjan tells him that he's so stubborn and that the universe is shouting in his ear and he can't hear anything. Owen replies that he hears something and it's Tom Petty singing "Breakdown" on the radio which Owen and Marjan both end up singing. Once they're done singing, Marjan tells Owen she still is mad at him.

In "Push", Marjan is back at the 122 for work after Owen dropped her off. Judd sees her first and tells her he tried to reach her and asks her if she managed to get in touch with Owen. Marjan replies that she saw him and Judd asks her where he is now. Marjan says she assume he's at home and asks Judd why he wants to not that before Judd curses, realising he still has no service. Then, Mateo arrives and asks her if she manages to get him to sign the apology letter to Billy, Marjan is confused and asks him what he's doing here, at the 122. Mateo replies that Captain Tatum assigned him to the 122 when they were trying to dig Paul out. Marjan asks him that they had to dig Paul out of what and Mateo tells her about the shelter that collapsed. Marjan tells him that Mateo should be aware he starts his stories in the middle before asking if they managed to get him out before asking where he is when Mateo confirms her they did. Mateo tells her that he's at the hospital and when Marjan asks if he's okay, Mateo replies that yes, he is okay; Marjan understanding that someone isn't okay. Marjan gets to the hospital and is sitting between Nancy and Marjan, waiting for Owen to get out of TK's hospital room. At some point, Owen turns to Marjan and telling her to tell the universe, he received the message. Owen says that it might be too late to fix things but he's still going to try. Marjan asks him what he means by that and Owen tells her that he's going to find Billy and gives him that apology letter and get himself reinstated. Marjan asks if he's going to do that now and Tommy realises that it's something Owen can do, at the moment. Owen tells them that he doesn't know if he can fix the world in time for his boy to wake up but when TK does wake up, Owen wants him to see that he's not the only Strand who hasn't stopped fighting.

Return of the 126[]

Weeks later, Owen and Marjan are outside the 126 watching as it is about to be demolished. Owen thanks her for fighting for the 126 and for him before saying that it's been a pleasure working with her. Marjan thinks the same and tells him that she never had as much fun as she did when she was working in his firehouse. They're soon joined by Tommy, Nancy, Judd, Paul, Mateo and TK who hold a box full of pastries and they share hugs when they see each other again. Owen asks them what are the odds of those pastries being gluten free, Nancy answers that there's no way and that everything is bad in those pastries, Paul adding that today they're eating their feelings. Owen gives up and asks TK to gives him a bear claw. TK asks Marjan what she wants, handing her the box and she tells everyone to just save her one with tons of sugar. Marjan thanks them for being there and Mateo tells her they would never miss it - again. Paul says that the 126 being demolished stings and Judd agrees, saying that he spent the best years of his life there. When the ball is about to swing, Marjan gets a notification and realises that her GoFundMe finally got fully funded. TK asks her to stop messing with them and she tells him she's not, Owen is surprised that someone gave them $4.6 millions and Marjan tells him that they actually got $5 millions. Owen asks her who would do that and Marjan replies it's someone called Cole Robertson who no one know except for Paul since Cole is Lindsey's father. Owen and Marjan run to the foremen and tell them to stop.

Later, Marjan is present at the opening ceremony of the 126, standing beside Mateo, Paul and Judd and pushing in their firetruck into the firehouse once Owen's speech is over. At the party, she's talking to TK, Carlos and Cole before joining Paul, Lindsey, Mateo and Nancy and Paul asking her who is the winner of their game; Marjan picks Lindsey and Paul because Lindsey's family is the reason why they reopened. Then she's seen dancing with Carlos and everyone else.

Deputy Griffin coming back[]

In "Negative Space", when Marjan learns that the deputy has been freed from prison, she gets angry at Owen for not doing anything and decides to fix the problem herself. Later, her and Paul are going to the store to pick up supplies for their hang at TK and Carlos' place but Paul soon realises that the real reason they're here is too see deputy Griffin. Marjan goes inside the store and use the mic to make an announcement about deputy Griffin being a murderer before telling people they should shop somewhere else while he's working at a security guard here before dropping the mic and leaving, glaring at him while she does.

Later, she's called into Owen's office along with Paul because two undercover Rangers saw the whole thing happening from where they were. Then, she learns that Griffin has been fired but that they have to stay away from him and let the Texas Rangers do their job. Marjan tells Owen that they have to warn Sadie too and she has to remember him who Sadie is because Owen forgot her and that Marjan knows Sadie is in Austin because she sent them both invitations for her art show. They both go there and warn Sadie that Griffin is out and might be coming looking for her. They tell to call the police immediately if she sees him and when she takes her phone out and calls 911, Owen and Marjan are confused until they realise Griffin is at the art gallery too. Owen asks him to leave but Griffin retorks that he has nowhere to go right now, Sadie points out that it's a private event and Griffin replies that they finally feel how uncomfortable it is when someone show up at your place of business and create problems. Griffin tells Marjan that she was lucky there was a blizzard or she could've ended up in a ditch and in response, Owen punches him, getting arrested because of that.

Marjan is watching Griffin's house until Owen comes and tells her to leave while he and Catherine decide to watch him. Then, Marjan comes by to TK and Carlos' place and sees that only Sadie is here which she finds odd because they should be at home. She hears a phone ringing and walks to the bedroom where she found Carlos' unconscious body. Sadie runs to her and stabs Marjan in the back, she takes the knife back before punching Sadie, knocking her out and passing out too. Owen and Gabriel arrive later on to arrest Sadie. At the hospital, Marjan says she's ready to be back by work by Thursday but Owen tells her that she will have at least a week off.


In "The New Hot Mess", she calls a woman - Mrs Gerald- a "crazy lady" for not wanting to go up in the helicopter with her while she was attempting to save her. Weeks later, in "Human Resources", the same woman and her husband are asking of Marjan to publicly apologise and share their gofundme on her instagram's account so that millions of people can donate to their charity. Marjan refuses because it goes against what she believes in and she's upset that the Austin FD Department doesn't have her back so she quits and goes on a road trip after buying Owen's bike.

Road Trip[]

During her road trip in "Control Freaks", she meets a couple composed of Grant and Kiley whose RV which they borrow from Grant's father broke down on the side of the road, Marjan tries to fix without succeeding and advise them to stop somewhere and get it fixed. After they leave, she finds on her bike a letter with "Help. He's going to kill me" written on it. She quickly understands that Kiley is in danger. She follows them to a diner where she meets Patty to who she explains the situation, then she meets Kiley in the bathroom who thanks her from coming back after showing her a bruise Grant left on her. Marjan promises that she'll do anything to stop Kiley and Grant from leaving together. She unfortunately fails as Grant's hold on Kiley is too strong but determined, she follows them with her bike until it's the night and once they stop at a gas station, she gets into the RV and films them, waiting for Grant to show his true face. It doesn't take long and after he slaps Kiley once, Marjan shows herself and after a fight, she knocks him down with a fire extinguisher that she gifted them earlier. Then, he is arrested by the police. The next day, Marjan gives Kiley some money and a bus ticket for Fort LauderDale, Florida where she'll meet Marjan's sister who won't have any problem with helping her.

Unfortunately in "Road Kill", Grant gets out of jail but misses his arraignment date and starts his revenge against Marjan by following her in her car and pushing her off the road. Concussed, Marjan imagines herself from where she was a kid and together they try to find help. They get the attention of an old man who ends up being shot by Grant as he finds them at the same time and he shot Marjan in the stomach as well. In Austin, the 126, Grace and Carlos work together to find her and they manage to. Judd, Paul and Owen go together to the place where she crashed her car and stops Grant right as he was about to kill Marjan. She gets him first but firing a flare gun at him and he dies. Then, Owen finds her and the trio get her to the hospital where she gets surgery. She is told that the girl she was helping was a figment of her imagination.


In "Sellouts" and "Double Trouble", Marjan isn't out on calls and stays at the firehouse, working on the paperwork. In "Swipe Left", she's in physical therapy with the support of Paul and where she develops a crush on her physical therapist, Joe. In the same episode, she gets back out on calls.

During "Swipe Left", she is particularly pleased with the Geralds couple being doused with manure and offers to help them, as long as they admit their faults on a livestream of her social media.




Marjan and Joe meet as he is her physical therapist after she got shot in the stomach by Grant. She has a crush on him and it is reciprocated. After a long day of Marjan going on chaperoned dates organized by the 126, she ran into Joe at the market with Paul where she learns that Joe's actual name is Yusuf and that he is Muslim. She asks him out to come to dinner with her, Paul and Asha as a non-official double date which he agrees to. He was her plus one to TK and Carlos' wedding.


Marjan and Salim knew each other since they were babies and got engaged when they were twelve years old. Later, Salim asks her out to go have dinner and it's a big deal because they've never been on a date without a chaperone as a married couple aren't supposed to. During their date, Salim asks her if she's in love with him because he feels the world getting warmer, the walls getting closer and he loses his breath every time he looks at her. He also tells her that he met someone else called Madison. Later, Marjan tells Paul and Mateo that the wedding is off because Salim dumped her and that's when she realizes that she's in love with him. Finally, she goes to his hotel and tells him that she loves him and they kiss but she stops them because she feels like the other woman. Salim tells her that she won't be a problem and that he can breaks things off with her right now and Marjan tells him that she can't be with someone who won't honor his commitments to their family, to their values and even to Madison. They break off their engagement.

During "Swipe Left", she was quite upset by how he has moved on and now has a child.

Paul Strickland[]

Marjan and Paul are best friends and platonic soulmates. He gives her advice about her issues with the woman at the mosque in "Texas Proud". In "2100°", Paul hugs her after she's done boxing and starts crying after they lost Tim. Paul feels protective of Marjan in "Friends With Benefits" at first when Salim is waiting for her at the lockers of the Roller Derby. Later in the week, after Salim "broke up" with her, Paul tells her that he can't imagine how anyone could let her go. In "Everyone and Their Brother", he's protecting from the blast of the explosion at the minefield. In "Slow Burn", he's supporting through everything that happened with McKenna and he's by her side when they're trying to save her life. In "Dust to Dust", they share a hug when Paul arrives at the 122 where them and Judd are going to work since the 126 is out of service. They're shown to be really competitive with each other when they're playing games. Paul describes her as his "ride or die".

Mateo Chavez[]

Marjan and Mateo are close friends. She's the one helping him the most when he has to pass his academy exam and who cheers him up when he's feeling down. When he learns about Marjan's engagement to Salim, he's sad because he doesn't want her to leave Austin at all. Marjan is shown to be very protective over Mateo.

TK Strand[]

Marjan and TK are close friends. In "Texas Proud", he tries to save her life when she's in a dangerous situation on a call, putting his own life at risk. He also like other 126 fire fighters greatly respects Marjan's religious beliefs and is seen rushing to cover her when she loses her hijab. In "2100°", Marjan puts her hand on TK's shoulder to bring him comfort after Tim's death. In " Slow Burn" TK arranges a hang out at their place to give a devastated Marjan a fun time after her failing to save a victim earlier in the episode. TK also appears to be secretly happy when he and Carlos are beaten by Marjan in a board game.


  • She used to Roller Derby in Miami and started again in Austin after a team was looking for a new member when one of theirs got impaled and broke her arm. ("Back in the Saddle" and "Friends With Benefits")
  • She has screws in her wrist due to a roller derby fall. ("Displaced")
  • She lives at 9433 West Annie Street in Austin. (“Road Kill”)
  • Her phone number is 512-555-0119. (“Road Kill”)
  • When she was young, she played soccer as the striker. ("Road Kill")


Season One
"Pilot" "Yee-Haw" "Texas Proud" "Act of God" "Studs"
"Friends Like These" "Bum Steer" "Monster Inside" "Awakening" "Austin, We Have a Problem"
Season Two
"Back in the Saddle" "2100°" "Hold the Line" "Friends With Benefits" "Difficult Conversations"
"Everyone and Their Brother" "Displaced" "Bad Call" "Saving Grace" "A Little Help From My Friends"
"Slow Burn" "The Big Heat" "One Day" "Dust to Dust"
Season Three
"The Big Chill" "Thin Ice" "Shock and Thaw" "Push" "Child Care"
"The ATX-Files" "Red vs. Blue" "In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency" "The Bird" "Parental Guidance"
"Prince Albert in a Can" "Negative Space" "Riddle of the Sphynx" "Impulse Control" "Down To Clown"
"Shift-Less" "Spring Cleaning" "A Bright and Cloudless Morning"
Season Four
"The New Hotness" "The New Hot Mess" "Cry Wolf" "Abandoned" "Human Resources"
"This Is Not A Drill" "Tommy Dearest" "Control Freaks" "Road Kill" "Sellouts"
"Double Trouble" "Swipe Left" "Open" "Tongues Out" "Donors"
"A House Divided" "Best Of Men" "In Sickness and In Health"
Season Five
"Both Sides, Now" "Trainwrecks" "CI2" "My Way" "" ""
"" "" "" "" "Impact" ""


