9-1-1 Wiki

"And I'm just overwhelmed. But, you know, that's not new. In the past, I'd cope with these feelings in a pretty unhealthy way. So instead of calling a paramedic, I'm thinking of becoming one. That's gotta count for progress, right?"
—TK Strand[src]

Tyler Kennedy "T.K." Strand is the deuteragonist of FOX's 9-1-1: Lone Star who is a former New York firefighter that relocated to Austin, Texas with his father, Owen Strand. He debuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Ronen Rubinstein.


Early Life[]

Baby TK's religion was decided solely by his mother and his father came to know about it only when he overheard her scheduling his bris at the delivery room. TK had a drowning scare when he was 5 years old and at a wedding at the beach in Montauk with his mother, who was the maid of honor. She told TK to not wander off while they were taking pictures, but he did and fell off a pier right into the water. He didn't know how to swim, or which way was up, he was scared but Gwyn jumped right after him and saved his life. Once on the shore, TK apologized for ruining her dress and Gwyn told him her dress was ruined before it even landed on the rack.

TK's parents divorced when TK was 7 years old after they told each other they needed space and after TK had come home from little league to Owen moving out. As a child, TK was raised by Enzo, Gwyn's partner at the time, when Owen was too busy.

He became a dual certified FD-medic at 20 years old.

Drug Addiction[]

Before the series began, TK had struggled with prescription drug use but went to rehab and recovered. He later became a firefighter at Station 252 with his father, Owen, and lived in his own apartment in New York.

In 2017, TK is at a drug house when Gwyn comes find him, unconscious with a needle near his arm. She tries to get him to wake up and when he does, he tells her to leave him alone. He asks her how she found him, and she replies that she's his mother, so she'll always find him. After a minute, he falls back in unconsciousness as she tries once again to wake him up. Later in the day, TK and Gwyn are at a Chinese restaurant where Gwyn forces TK to eat something. She tells him that he lost control and that they're going to get him help. He replies that he doesn't need help, that he's managing, telling her to ask Owen and all the other guys at the firehouse if he missed any shifts, or shown up late or dirty because he hasn't. Gwyn asks him if he's going to finish his meal and TK replies that he won't because he's going to throw up, she tells him to throw up because they have to get on a flight soon. TK asks her what she's talking about, and Gwyn tells him that she's taking him to rehab in California. TK replies that he can't go because he has work and Gwyn says that he doesn't for 30 days. Then she continues by saying he can do what he wants, he has six hours left to decide, TK continues saying he won't go and Gwyn screams at him that he's getting on the plane, TK screaming back a no. He tells her that he has to stay here because the firehouse needs him and that he's fine before saying that he's a firefighter, he saves lives. Gwyn replies that this is what she's trying to do too.

Once in the plane, TK gets the aisle seat because he tells Gwyn he feels sick. Once sitting, TK tells Gwyn that she should've let him take something before the flight, she replies that it's the chemicals talking. While he's suffering from withdrawal, Gwyn holds TK's arm and sings him a song in Hebrew to calm him down. TK tells her he won't be able to make it to California, asking her if she couldn't find anything upstate. An attendant comes to see them and asks TK to fasten his seatbelt, but Gwyn has to help him because his hands shake too much. When Gwyn is asleep, TK stands up and picks three mini bottle of vodka before locking himself in the bathroom of the plane. The flight experiences turbulence and the bottles of vodka fell out of the counter in the toilet and after TK is interrupted by an attendant, he picks them up and drinks two bottles of vodka before going back to his seat, waking up Gwyn in the process where she notices he's taking some gums. She asks him where he went and he replies that he went to the bathroom, then she asks him what's the gum for and he lies, saying that he threw up. TK asks her why she's asking so many questions and she tells him she's just giving him an opportunity to tell the truth. TK replies that he is telling the truth. So, she asks him why he is isn't shaking anymore and he replies that he already told her it passes sometimes. She asks him again what he was doing in the bathroom, if he brought drugs on the plane and he replies that he didn't and that she almost did a full body search, looking for drugs. Gwyn replies that maybe she should have and TK retorts that she should mind her own business. Gwyn tells him that he is her business, and he always will be. TK asks her what she thinks is going to happen in California, that he won't find out where to buy drugs in less than ten minutes and that she can't save him. Gwyn replies that she knows but she'll try anyway because she can't bear the thought of going to her son's funeral. As they're about to land in Los Angeles, TK gently puts his hand over Gwyn's and hold it.

At the Los Angeles airport, TK's about to join the driver the clinic hired when he realizes that Gwyn isn't moving, asking her if she's coming. Gwyn replies that when he walks through those doors, he has to do it on his own, for himself. TK asks her what she's going to do, and Gwyn tells him that she's going home, she has a plane in an hour. TK tells her that maybe they can ask the driver to see if he knows any good Chinese place in the area. Gwyn says the clinic recommend to not stop on the way there and that it'll last 30 days, it's the commitment. TK tells her that she could check him in the rehab, Gwyn sighs and comes closer, putting her hand on TK's cheek, telling her that she went as traveled as far as she can, but the next steps are going to be his to take. TK replies that he doesn't know if he can do it without her, but Gwyn tells him that he can because he's stronger than he thinks before she hugs him and tells him that she'll always be there with him. TK leaves for the doors and when he turns around Gwyn is already gone.

He later began dating a man named Alex, who he intended to propose to, but Owen expressed his concern that the two had not even moved in together yet. TK assured things will be okay, and he had already bought the ring. Owen approved the proposal and TK invited Alex to dinner that night. Before he could propose to him, TK found out from Alex that he was in love with someone else, and they broke up. Unable to handle the heartbreak, he suffered a relapse and overdosed on oxycontin that morning, where a horrified Owen came over and revived him.

Relocating to Texas[]

Owen decided to relocate to Texas after TK's relapse, where they put together a team of firefighters from all over the country. Part of the 'tough love' deal Owen has with his son is for TK to go to therapy, attend meetings and live with him. At the end of "Pilot", TK tells his dad that he likes it here and that he thinks they're going to be 'just okay'.

In "Texas Proud", TK and Judd argue about TK risking his life at a silo during an emergency call by trying to save Marjan and following his instincts. Judd tells him that "it must be nice that he gets to move right to front of the line while everyone else who deserve a shot..." and that he must have been killing it in New York City if he followed Owen at the drop of a hat. Judd calls him the "coach's kid" and TK starts to fight him before Paul stops them both. TK then goes to a bar to initiate a bar fight with two men, and he's arrested. At the police station, he sees Carlos and apologizes for his behavior during their failed dinner. TK tells Carlos about his relapse with substances after a "nuclear bad" break up and how since he came to Texas "it's just grey, he feels numb all the time and he was just trying to feel something".

After Grace convinced Judd to talk to TK, Judd goes to talk to him the next day at the firehouse and tells him that he got triggered at the silo because of how he lost all his brothers during the last incident. TK thanks him for calling him out because he needed it and they reconcile, smiling and shaking hands.

Getting Shot[]

In "Monster Inside", TK gets shot in the chest by a scared little kid on a call after he opened the door with a battering ram. After surgery, TK is shown to be in a coma with Carlos, Grace and the 126 waiting for him to wake up by his sides, in the waiting room or in the hospital chapel. In "Awakening", Owen tells Zoe that TK is in level two coma and that he's close to wake up. When he wakes up, TK asks his father what happened and when Owen tells him, he asks him how the little boy is doing making Owen chuckles because TK still care about others when he's the one in the hospital bed. TK tells him that while he doesn't remember anything from what happened, the little boy does. Once he's back home, Owen keeps a close eye on TK and TK almost has to force him to go to work, assuring him that he will be fine. Owen tells him that TK will be back to work soon but TK is not sure about that. Later, TK asks Zoe to come to their place because he believes that she's a psychologist. She tells him that she isn't but that she's a very good listener if he needs someone to listen. After their talk, TK goes to the station to talk to Owen where he's welcomed by the rest of the 126. Once in Owen's office, TK asks Owen how he knew that he wanted to be a firefighter. Owen explains it to him, and TK tells him that he has doubts on being a firefighter and that maybe he only became a firefighter because what he really wanted was to have a father after Owen spent less time with his family after 9/11.

Later that day, TK and Owen go to visit Colt, the little boy who shot TK by protecting his family and after TK reassured him that he was fine, once they're out of the house, Owen tells TK that in 26 years, he's never been prouder of him.

In "Austin, We Have a Problem", a bus accident happens right in front of TK and Carlos' eyes and TK goes to help the victim inside the bus, Ellen, the driver who broke both her legs. He tries to get her out of the bus, which is flooding, after TK re-opened his stitches when he took her bumper to help him. Ellen tells him to go and to leave her here but TK refuses until Owen and the rest of the 126 comes and save both of them from smoke inhalation and drowning. Owen gets him out of the bus and forces him to go the hospital after TK made sure that Ellen was going to be okay. Later at the station, TK comes clean to the fire crew about his addiction and overdose. He tells them that after what happened today, he's sure that being a first responder is what he wants to do and he'll do it in that station, with his family.

Becoming a Paramedic[]

In "Everyone and Their Brother", TK is there during an emergency call in a minefield and when the new paramedic in training, Pearce, refuses to go and it would be crazy for Tommy to go with Owen, TK volunteers as he was a dual function FD-medic in NYC and all his certifications are up to date. He and Owen go into the minefield and succeeded to join the two brothers stuck in the middle of it without getting blown off. TK managed to save the boy's life and once they're back in the firehouse, he tells Marjan, Paul and Mateo that it was exciting stepping in as a paramedic. Then, TK puts his application in the piles and Tommy found it, she goes to see Owen and tells him. When Owen goes to see TK to tells him that he learns about his desire to become a paramedic and TK tells him that it's what he wants and that it's not a tantrum for something Owen might have said. Then, TK tells him that while Owen is overwhelmed with joy with the pregnancy, TK is just overwhelmed and he was feeling overwhelmed in the past, he'd cope with these feelings in an unhealthy way so instead of calling a paramedic, he's thinking about becoming one.

In "Displaced", he and Nancy had a difficult start because while she was happy to have him as a new partner and how he left the "cool kids" table to join the "geeks" by becoming a paramedic. She still felt annoyed when TK decided to change the place of few items in the ambulance and jealous when Tommy was impressed by everything he was doing. TK is the one proposing the idea of them driving to Evie's black belt exam so Tommy can see her daughter there and even use the siren to avoid getting stuck by a red light. After his talk with Carlos, TK asks Nancy to help them with something and they go outside the firehouse where Judd, Marjan, Paul and Mateo are waiting for them and how they have written Tim's name on the ambulance along with the date of his last call.

In "Bad Call", he celebrates his one-year anniversary of sobriety with the 126 and their loved ones. TK says that his year has been full of miracles, Owen is in remission, he works alongside heroes who have become like a family, and he found an incredible man who taught him that it is okay to open his hear again. The next day, he comes by his house and sees Gwyn packing her stuff to move back to New York and she tells him about Enzo being the father to her baby. TK shuts down while telling her that the kid will be lucky to have Enzo as a father because he was the one who took care of TK when Owen was too busy. After left for work, Gwyn calls Owen to warn him about TK shutting down because "it never ends well" and Owen goes to check on TK in the locker room where he tells him that TK wasn't supposed to find out this way which TK replies that he wasn't supposed to find out at all before leaving for a medical call. The EMTs are send on a call for a pregnant woman lost in a parking garage but they quickly realized that it's a fake and a man and a woman pull guns on them and force them to go in a van to save the life of their accomplice. Tommy tells the man that they can go to Charles' old restaurant that closed because no one is here, when they start to leave, TK lets his sobriety chip on the ground so someone can find it. In the restaurant, they start working on the man who has a hemopneumothorax and his chest cavity is filling with blood. While Tommy and Nancy are taking care of the patient, TK tries to activate the fire alarm, but he's seen by the man who pistol whips him. Tommy finishes to heal the man and then goes to work on TK's head wound. Later, the robbers want to take one member of the team with them to escape and when they designate Nancy, Tommy stands up and took her place, assuring that she will help them if they let TK and Nancy safe and unharmed. When the robbers agree, Nancy knocks out one of them with a chair, TK kicks the gun out of the woman's hand so she can't use it against them, and Tommy stabs the other one with a needle full of something, but the man stands up and points his gun at Tommy before Owen picks up the gun on the ground and shoots him in the chest. TK collapses in Carlos' arms and hugs him, knowing he's finally safe. At the hospital, TK is surrounded by Gwyn, Owen and Carlos where Gwyn tells him that he's really brave for going through that without pain meds.

Moving Out[]

In "A Little Help From My Friends", TK and Carlos move in together with Owen's help. TK talks to him, asking if he's really okay with it and how TK doesn't like the fact that Owen will recover from his surgery alone, Owen reassures him by saying that he won't be alone, Buttercup will be there.

Later in the week, TK wakes Owen up at 2:30 in the afternoon and asks Owen how long he has been hiding the fact that he's depressed. TK learns that Owen cancelled his cancer surgery and plans an intervention for him in Owen's living room along with Carlos, Paul, Marjan, Mateo and Judd. TK reassures him that this is safe space, and he can talk to them about what's happening. Owen asks Carlos what he thinks, and Carlos says that "he's understandably on alert". Marjan goes next and tells him that her coming to Austin change her life and that he's the best captain. Judd starts and tells Owen that he's depressed and that everyone knows it. Owen tells them that he's not because he has nothing to be depressed about. TK answers that this is why they're worried because the future he was preparing himself for got ripped out from him. Owen responds that it's because he knows how to roll the punches and Judd says that, no, he knows how to take punches and that when they stop, he goes looking for more. TK tells Owen he believes he's always been "bear and grin kind of guy" and that he suspects Owen to be suffering from smiling depression which Paul explains he's a thing when you use an upbeat attitude to hide the fact that you're not talking care of yourself. Owen retorts that he's the person with the biggest skin care regiment out of all of them and can't believe they're saying he doesn't take care of himself. So, TK asks him why he cancelled his surgery, Owen confirms he cancelled his surgery but it's not because he's depressed or have a death wish, it's because TK was in the hospital and Judd had his car accident, and that it didn't feel like the right time. TK tells Owen he needs to reschedule the surgery right away because it took him months before scheduling the first one, only because he was "going to become a father", Owen says that "he was already a father" and that he will forever regret that choice of words. Owen asks about what if the surgery isn't successful and they can't get out of all the cancer and TK tells him that he's not afraid about that, he's afraid they won't find any more cancer and that he'll lose his biggest excuse to feel sorry for himself. Owen puts an end to the intervention, and they all leave the house.

TK and Carlos join Owen to the vet after he found Buttercup laying on the ground. He tells them that Buttercup has a serious bowel blockage or most likely a new tumor. Owen tells TK that he's going to reschedule his surgery and do it today and he thanked them for the intervention because he really needed that kick in the ass. Soon, the vet comes back with Buttercup who's looking much better, and she tells Owen, TK and Carlos that he had an obstruction but that it wasn't a tumor. Turned out, he swallowed Gwyn's sloth that she used as a slow tea infuser.

Arson Case[]

In "The Big Heat", Mateo tells TK and the rest of the 126 about the police coming to search their house. TK tries to call Owen again but ends on his voicemail. Carlos arrives at the firehouse to talk to TK and that it be better to do it private. Carlos tells TK that Owen was arrested for arson, and TK tells him that Carlos needs to call his dad to clear everything up. Carlos tells him that the Texas Rangers were the ones who arrested Owen and that Gabriel was the arresting officer. TK tells him that Gabriel is out of his mind if he thinks that Owen is an arsonist and Carlos says that they don't have all the facts yet and that his father wouldn't make an arrest without good reasons while TK retorts that his father isn't a criminal. Carlos tells him that he never said he was while TK replies that his father does, and it sounds like Carlos is defending him. TK asks how Gabriel can think Owen is the arsonist when they spent three hours together the other night making Carlos answers that it was actually an hour, because Owen was late and that he checked and that Carlos check on Owen's story to find that he was lying. TK shoves Carlos away three times by pushing his chest while angrily asking him if he thinks that his dad is a criminal. Carlos catches him from behind and tells him to calm down while TK repeatedly tells Carlos that he needs to leave him alone. Judd intervenes and says that Carlos needs to go. Carlos leaves and we see TK with tears in his eyes.

Later that day, TK comes to Owen and Mateo's place where Mateo is cleaning up the house and tells him that he can't go back home to Carlos after the fight and that he's "kind of going out of his mind.". TK asks Mateo if it's okay if he stays here the night and Mateo tells him that of course he can because it's still his house. Mateo offers TK his room back, but TK refuses and tells him that he'll stay in one of the guest rooms. Mateo tells him that he was trying to clean up the house for when Owen would come home and TK retort with "if he comes home" adding that he tried to go see him at the station, but they wouldn't let him. Then TK tells Mateo that he's feeling pretty lost right now.

TK comes back home to Carlos preparing dinner for both of them after the firehouse blew up. TK starts talking about the other "blow up" at the firehouse - meaning their fight - but Carlos stops him and tells him that they agreed that no apologies were needed. At night, TK is struggling with the alarm that doesn't seem to be working and Carlos tells him that it's been acting up all day and that the company will come tomorrow but that they should go to bed. Once they're in the bedroom, they start making out but stop when TK starts smelling smoke from the fire downstairs. They both discover the fire and soon, the fire starts in the bedroom to, and the only way out is by jumping out of the window. Carlos breaks the window with a chair and TK tells him to go first and that he'll be right behind him. Before leaving, Carlos turns to TK and starts stuttering and TK cuts him off saying that he loves him too. Right before they jump, Owen kicks down the door and gives them shirts to put on their noses and mouths before making them leave the house safely with the help of Billy and Judd. Once they're out of the house, TK asks Carlos how he's doing, and Carlos says that he's good. He adds that he didn't think they were going to make it out of the house, Carlos starts apologizing about not having a fire extinguisher in the room before starting to cry. TK hugs him and tells him in repeat that it's okay and that they're okay while kissing his face multiple times.

Ice Storm[]

TK, Nancy and Tommy are now working at a private company since the 126 closed down. Nancy is telling TK that she's going to invite the members of the 126, make some food and take out the Catan so they can play board game. TK asks her who she invited so far and when she realizes he's talking about his ex-boyfriend, Carlos, she tells him that she did invite him, but he hasn't answered yet. TK is annoyed by that, and she tells him that she has told them she won't be taking sides, TK continues by saying that if it's a "126 hang" then only the members of the actual crew should be there, Nancy reminds him that there isn't any actual crew anymore. Tommy, TK and Nancy are later called on a call where a man was skying in the streets to Austin, attached to a car by a rope and got into an accident, ice lodging itself against his carotid. With Mateo's help they manage to get rid of the biggest part of the ice and get the man into their ambulance. On the way to the hospital, blood starts to get out of the wound and Tommy decides to use snow as a way to stop the blood since papers and gauze aren't helping enough, Tommy and Nancy manage to stabilize him.

Back at their station, Nancy and TK are cleaning the inside of their ambulance covered in blood. Nancy tells him that she's amazed by the power of modern medicine, TK agrees and tells her that the power of a bucket full of snow isn't bad either. Nancy tells him that it's funny how both in life and in the rig, once they found the problem, you're halfway there to solve it. TK tells her that sometimes the problem isn't as simple as a perforated carotid or virtual decapitation. Nancy says that's why they ride as a team, that once they put their heads together, they're no mess they can't clean up. TK understands what she's getting at and says that he won't tell her why he and Carlos broke up. She asks him why he's being so annoyed about this and he asks her why she's obsessed with this, she replies that it's because she loves them together, they all do and because the mystery is killing her. TK leans down about to say something before he notices the blood on her neck and tells her about it, leaning back, she tells him he sucks.

Carlos is surprised when Tommy, TK and Nancy arrive at the furniture store because he called for cuts and bruises and didn't expect dispatch to send an ambulance for a private company there. TK tells him that the city is spread thin today. Carlos starts stuttering when he tries to offer them a spot where they can stay. The owner of the store cuts him off and tells him that they can set up in the dining room display. Tommy asks Carlos how many people are there, and he says that there's 25 area residents and 3 church volunteers. Nancy asks him if he's thinking they're all green tag, but Carlos is realizing that someone's missing. He tells the paramedics as much and leaves under TK's worried gaze.

Hypothermia and Coma[]

In "Thin Ice", TK, Tommy and Nancy are sent on a call about a boy being trapped under a pond. They arrive on scene and after sliding a bit because of the ice and snow, TK manages to park them on the side of the road. Tommy asks TK to get the ECMO machine ready and starts the warming fluids and Nancy to help her with the gurney before telling them to be careful because they don't need a broken tailbone right now. Joe, Carol's husband, tells them that he puts his hat where the boy is so the firefighters could find him when they get here before asking if they're close. Nancy replies that they're all spoken for because of the "Snowmaggedon". TK tells them that he was a firefighter in New York, and he has done ice rescues before. Joe asks them if they shouldn't need special gear and Tommy tells them that they'll have to improvise.

Later, Tommy and Nancy attach TK to a bed sheet as to create a life ring while he's using a laryngoscope as an ice pick. Tommy asks him if he's sure about this and TK tells her to not worry because he's done tons of those in Central Park and that it's no different. Nancy tells him that he's not using the actual gear, so it is a bit different, and TK agrees. TK quickly finds the kid and has to break through the ice with his ice pick. He manages to do so and breaks the ice above the kid, he grabs the kid from under the water and brings him to the surface right before the ice cracks under TK and make him fall in the pond. Tommy yells at Nancy to not let go and to pull TK up by using the rope made with a bed sheet which they succeed to. Nancy and Tommy start to crawl towards them to bring them back, but TK tells them to stay where they are and to pull them up by using the rope.

They manage to get the kid on the gurney, but he has no pulse nor respiration. Carol asks them if that means he's dead and Tommy replies that no one is dead until they're warm and dead. They bring the gurney toward the ambulance only to realize that the ambulance slid because of the ice and crashed into a tree. Tommy tells TK to radio dispatch while Nancy is doing CPR on the kid, and to tell them to bring another rig and a tow truck. Tommy then asks Nancy to bring the ECMO machine before turning to Carol and Joe, asking the couple if the heater of their car works. In the car, Nancy is doing CPR on the kid and Tommy asks a frozen and shivering TK to prepare the femoral for the kid. Tommy canulates the femoral artery and once she's done, she asks TK to fire up the ECMO machine and Nancy to stop compressions. Joe asks them what the machine is and Tommy replies that it's a machine that will do the work of his heart and lungs for him, and that while it oxygenates his blood, it also warms him up from the inside out. After long seconds, they get a pulse, and the boy starts coughing the water he had in his lungs. Then, they transfer the boy to the paramedics who join them on the scene and once they leave, Tommy realizes that TK is missing.

Tommy and Nancy go around the lake, looking for TK. Nancy wonders why he would run off like that when Tommy notices TK's pants on the ground, confusing Nancy even more. Few meters away, they find TK naked, shivering and muttering something. Tommy calls for him and TK slightly realizes that Tommy and Nancy are here, and Tommy tells him that they have some blankets for him, TK replies that he's fine and Nancy says that he's getting frostbite on his ass. When they try to cover him up, TK fights back disoriented and tells them to get away, saying that he was feeling hot but it's much better now. Tommy tells Nancy that combativeness is a symptom of severe hypothermia before TK starts muttering prayers in Hebrew. Nancy is confused about him speaking tongues before Tommy tells her she thinks it's Hebrew. Tommy squats down next to TK and tells him that all his blood has left his extremities and are around his core and that's why he feels so hot, it's called paradoxical undressing and that means it's near fatal right now. Nancy continues by telling him they're not going to let him freeze to death on their watch so he either gets up and walks or they'll drag him out of here. TK agrees and they help him stand up. Once he's up, Nancy asks him when he was going to tell them he speaks Hebrew and TK says that he doesn't, not since he was 10 years old in Hebrew school. Tommy tells him that it seems like some of it stuck and few seconds later, TK loses consciousness and Nancy and Tommy make him lay on the ground, quickly realizing that he has no pulse and no heartbeat either. Tommy starts CPR on him and after Nancy is done preparing him, Tommy uses the defibrillator on him, without success. Later, Tommy and Nancy get TK to the hospital and he's put on a ventilator by doctors.

During his coma, TK dreams about waking up in his house. He hears dishes clattering downstairs and asks if anyone is here. He goes downstairs and sees that Gwyn is there. She sees him and she asks him if he saw her slow tea infuser, TK tells her that Buttercup ate it. She calls Buttercup a "rascal" and TK asks her where Owen is. Gwyn replies that she has no ideas, that he's probably at work. TK's about to say that he isn't when he realizes it's not snowing outside anymore. TK stops himself when he hears a ringing and asks Gwyn if she heard that too, she tells him she didn't. She tells him to sit down and to have some tea. TK does and asks her when she got in Austin, Gwyn answers that she just did, and she flew in as soon as she heard about TK being admitted into the hospital. TK asks her confused about him being in the hospital, Gwyn asks him if he doesn't remember, and TK tells her that he doesn't. Seconds later, TK asks her if she brought his little brother, Jonah, with her and she tells him that she didn't and that he's still in New York with Enzo. TK asks her what Jonah got into lately, Gwyn tells him that he's into strained pears and that he recently discovered his reflection. TK tells her that at least he's adorable so he got that going for him, Gwyn replies that it's because he takes after his big brother. TK asks Gwyn if they're going to make cookies and when she asks him, he tells her that he remembers having a lot of fun doing them when he was a kid. TK frowns when he hears the ringing again and asks Gwyn again if she hears that and she tells him that he has to fight. Confused, TK asks who he is supposed to fight.

In real life, TK's monitor starts beeping, startling Carlos who's sitting at his bedside and standing up when a doctor and nurse come in. The doctor tells the nurse to start pushing Epi and to get a crash cart in the room. Carlos asks her what's going on and the doctor tells him that TK's heart rate is too slow and that he's severely bradycardic. Carlos asks her if TK is going to be okay and the doctor pushes him out of the room so they can do their job. A nurse pushes Carlos out of the way while he's too focused on TK.

Back in his dreams, TK and Gwyn are making cookies. They're about to be done when Gwyn asks him if he remembers the secret ingredient, TK guesses it's love and Gwyn replies that he's close enough but it's actually toffee. TK tells her that he doesn't think they have toffee and Gwyn answers that of course they do because it's in TK's hand. TK says that he's a space cadet today and hands over the toffee. When Gwyn starts rolling the dough, TK tells her that he missed this: him and her. Gwyn says that she misses this too and that's it's too bad it can't last. TK asks her why not and Gwyn replies that it's because nothing lasts, like her little boy who couldn't reach the countertop while she only blinks. TK says that he'll always be that little boy and that he still is. Gwyn says it's very sweet but that they can't stay here forever. TK asks why not because this is perfect and perfect things should last forever. TK sits on the counter and tells her that they almost had a family, Gwyn tells him that a family isn't always the picture that comes with the frame but that he is surrounded by love, and he'll always will be, no matter what choices he makes. TK asks her why he has to choose and Gwyn answers because no one else can and that no one can stop time. The timer goes off and TK asks why it did when they haven't put the cookies in yet and that it doesn't make any sense. Gwyn says that some things don't make sense. TK gets out of the counter and asks her if they can have more time. Gwyn agrees but tells him that the longer he stays there, the harder it'll be to get back, TK replies that he understands.

In the real world, Dr Patel tells Carlos, Nancy and Tommy that they managed to get TK's rhythm normal again but that he still isn't out of the woods. She tells them that his body is on the verge of a multi-system organ failure and that the only way to stop it from getting worse is keeping sedated to avoid any additional stress.

In his coma, TK asks Gwyn if he can finally eat the cookies, they made but Gwyn tells him to wait for them to cool, reminding of that Purim when he tried to eat the hamantaschen right out of the oven when he was nine and couldn't taste anything for a week. TK corrects her saying it was only two weeks and everything tasted like hair. Then, Gwyn asks him if he ever thinks about going back to temple and TK replies that he doesn't really know but he feels that going back would be weird after all this time. Gwyn says that she thinks it'd be good for him, to get back in touch with that part of himself. TK replies that he'll think about it and then asks her again if he can try one cookie, Gwyn replying that he can. TK tells her that these are the best cookies he ever had, and Gwyn tells him that the secret is that they're calorie-free. TK asks how is that possible and Gwyn replies that it's because they don't exist. TK puts the cookie back before turning to Gwyn and asks her if he is dead. She tells him that he isn't, so he asks her if she is dead and Gwyn replies that she's not even here. TK asks her how he is able to talk to her and Gwyn replies that it's because he needs to her to tell him to stop dying.

Later, Carlos appears in his coma dream as he is talking to an unconscious TK and TK tells Gwyn that Carlos looks really mad. Gwyn confirms that he doesn't look particularly happy before asking TK what he did to "that poor boy". TK asks her why she immediately assumes it's his fault because there was blame on both sides. Gwyn reprimands him using his full name before saying that he didn't actually go with that line before telling him that whatever happened, he just has to own it. TK asks her why he even has to tell her what happened because she already knows, considering she's just a figment of his imagination. Gwyn replies that figment or not she's still his mother. TK agrees and starts talking about how after the fire, they moved in with Owen but we're still looking for a new place to live in and Carlos found a loft downtown with polished concrete floors, great light and in walking distance to amazing nightlife. When Gwyn tells him that it sounds fantastic, TK agrees and says that he was in love with it, but they didn't want to lease it and that they were looking for buyers not renters. Gwyn finishes that they couldn't come up with the down payment because TK didn't have a good credit because of bad choices he made in the past so then they had to deal with their crushing disappointment - mostly TK's because Carlos said he didn't care where they lived as long as they were together - so they agreed to keep looking. Carlos, then, told him that he had found something, takes TK back to the exact same place and tells him that he went back, made an offer and bought it. Gwyn replies that it's so romantic and TK tells her that it was a power move, Gwyn continues saying that it also could be an unbelievable sweet gesture which TK agrees, it could be both, like a really sweet power move. TK says that Carlos didn't want him to feel like he was living in his space again, so he put his name on the deed, making him half owner, even though he knew TK didn't have the money. Gwyn understands then that TK panicked because things were too good, that everything was perfect, so he blew it up. TK tells Gwyn that he hurt Carlos so bad, and he asks her what if Carlos doesn't take him back. Gwyn tells him there's only way to find out, he needs to wake up.

Carlos is sitting at TK's bedside when he wakes up. He calls out for the nurses to come quickly. When TK tries to get rid of the ventilator on his mouth, Carlos grabs his hands to try to stop him before he's pushing out of the room by the nurses as they call for Dr. Patel. The doctor waves Carlos inside the room again where TK whispers a "hey baby" to Carlos before telling him to breathe when he saw how tense Carlos is. Then, he holds out his hand for Carlos to hold it, letting it fall when he notices Carlos doesn't move but Carlos reacts and takes TK's hand in his, following TK's movement when he put their linked hands on his chest, above his heart. Carlos starts caressing TK's hair before kissing his cheek, TK grabs his shirt and then softly collapsing on TK while the other man hugs him back.

Return of the 126[]

Weeks later, after they get back together during his hospital stay, Carlos brings TK from the hospital to the place he bought for them months ago when they broke up. Carlos covers TK's eyes asking to not peek. TK asks him if it's really necessary because he already saw the place and Carlos tells him that he hasn't seen finished. TK jokes about Carlos being a control freak before Carlos put his hand away, waiting a second and telling TK to open his eyes. TK smiles looking around their apartment, saying that it's so much nicer than he remembers it, then he notices his exercise bike and his throw blanket, jokingly asking if he break into his house and move him in while he was at the hospital. Carlos laughs and tells him that Mateo let him in. TK tells him that Carlos moved him in, Carlos agreeing to it before welcoming TK in their new home. They kiss and TK teases Carlos about being the world biggest control freak which Carlos replies to by saying that TK loves it, TK agrees, and they kiss one more time before falling onto the couch.

Later, Owen and Marjan are outside the 126 watching as it is about to be demolished. They're soon joined by Tommy, Nancy, Judd, Paul, Mateo and TK who hold a box full of pastries and they share hugs when they see each other again. Owen asks them what the odds of those pastries are being gluten free, Nancy answers that there's no way and that everything is bad in those pastries, Paul adding that today they're eating their feelings. Owen gives up and asks TK to give him a bear claw. TK asks Marjan what she wants, handing her the box and she tells everyone to just save her one with tons of sugar. Marjan thanks them for being there and Mateo tells her they would never miss it - again. Paul says that the 126 being demolished stings and Judd agrees, saying that he spent the best years of his life there. When the ball is about to swing, Marjan gets a notification and realizes that her GoFundMe finally got fully funded. TK asks her to stop messing with them and she tells him she's not, Owen is surprised that someone gave them $4.6 millions and Marjan tells him that they actually got $5 millions. Owen asks her who would do that and Marjan replies it's someone called Cole Robertson who no one know except for Paul since Cole is Lindsey's father. Owen and Marjan run to the foremen and tell them to stop.

Later, TK is present at the opening ceremony of the 126, standing beside Nancy and pushing in - with Tommy - their rig into the firehouse once Owen's speech is over. At the party, TK is sitting next to Carlos talking to Marjan and Cole. Then, while TK is filling their glasses with punch, Owen joins them and asks them if the firehouse is still homey and that he didn't go too far in the remodel. TK replies that the firehouse looks exactly the same before Owen asks him, offended, if he's out of his mind. Carlos asks Owen if the subway tile on the backsplash new and Owen thanks is him for noticing and that he always wanted to get rid of it, almost making this whole thing worth it. When they're about to walk somewhere else, TK stops and freezes when he sees Gwyn coming in the firehouse with Jonah in her arms, asking Owen if she's really here. Owen tells him that she's late but she's here while Gwyn apologizes for missing the ceremony. TK asks her why she didn't tell them she was coming and Gwyn replies that it's because Owen and her wanted it to be a surprise. Gwyn kisses Owen's cheek and hugs Carlos before hugging TK, telling to be careful to not squish his brother. Owen jokes about Jonah being a heartbreaker in the future before asking if he doesn't kind of look like him. Gwyn replying that he's crazy. Then, TK is seen dancing with everyone else while holding his brother in his arms, kissing his head at some point before being held by Carlos with one arm while they're dancing.

Gwyn's Death[]

In "Red vs. Blue", while the 126 is hanging out at his and Carlos' loft to celebrate Nancy being the MVP of the softball game. TK gets a call and when Carlos goes to see him to see what's going on, TK tells him that it's his mum, Carlos tells him to say hi to her from him but TK replies that she's dead.

The next day, Owen is at TK and Carlos' loft to help his son pack a bag to go to New York for the funeral after Carlos managed to get all three of them seats on a flight at 9:30am. TK asks Owen if he thinks Jonah will remember seeing Gwyn dies, Owen replies that he's not even a year old so he most likely won't remember anything, TK says that he remembers things from when he was that age: the wallpaper in their 86th Street apartment, the elephants in the mobile above his crib and the songs Gwyn sang to him. Then, TK continues saying that Jonah will never know a time where their lives wasn't broken, that he'll never know Gwyn, Owen replies that he will because he has TK as a big brother. After that, Owen leaves and tells him he'll pick them up later. Then, TK apologizes to Carlos because his first trip to New York shouldn't be like this, Carlos tells him to not think about that and that there will be other trips. He tells TK he's going to grab them some food because if TK isn't hungry, he should eat something. They exchanged "I love yous" and Carlos kisses TK's forehead before leaving.

Later, TK goes to work, confusing Judd, Paul and Mateo who see him in the locker room. Judd asks him why he's not on a plane right now and TK replies that he's not going to the funeral. Once he leaves, he says hello to Nancy and immediately go into the ambulance. In the ambulance, TK opens the safe and takes two vials of Fentanyl out of a bag before being interrupted by Owen finding him there. In the car on their way to the airport, Owen tells him they'll only have to go through security and that they should be fine before asking TK for confirmation. TK asks him if he wants to frisk him first and Owen asks if he needs to. TK replies that he already told him he was doing inventory, Owen asking why he was even at the firehouse, he knew he had a flight to catch. TK says that he thought it'd be a good idea, he just wanted to have a normal day but it's not. TK continues saying that he doesn't want to go and that it's not like it's going to be Gwyn in that box because that isn't where she is right now, adding that he's going to crawl out of his skin but Owen tells him that he'll get through this and that while he doesn't want to do this anymore than TK wants to, it's life, people have to go to funerals sometimes. TK replies that it's not just any funerals, it's mum's and that while Owen might have stopped loving her, TK never did. Owen replies that he always loved Gwyn, even when things got complicated.

They arrived at the airport where Carlos tells them they didn't make it but he found them two seats in another flight and that he'll join them later. Carlos tells TK that he wasn't home when he came back and TK tells him that he went to the firehouse, lying by saying that he didn't know why. Carlos says that it's fine, he was just worried about TK and that he hates how he can't make everything okay. Carlos kisses TK's cheek and hugs him before telling him that he'll see them in New York. In the plane, TK sits between Owen and a woman called Genevieve who's on the phone with her husband. She asks TK and Owen what brings them to New York and TK replies that they're going for his mum. Genevieve says that she's sure his mum will be happy to see him. They're interrupted by another passenger trying to get the attention to an attendant, asking him for a drink before takeoff even though she tells them she can't give that to me and that he needs to calm down, he keeps insisting and TK tells him to shut his mouth. The attendant tells to not make the situation worse and Owen replies that he won't be a problem, he just had a tough day. Once she leaves, Owen tells explains he doesn't want TK to be yanked off the plane with the man if he keeps acting like that and TK replies that he's the only one thinking that. TK stands up to go to the bathroom right before the engine of the plane explodes, breaking the window where their seats were and aspirating Genevieve outside. TK runs to Owen and helps get Genevieve back inside before bringing her in the space between cabins. TK asks Owen to grab him a blanket and the med kit before he starts taking of Genevieve's head wound. Soon, he realized that she also injured her arm and that she's bleeding out, they decide to call Tommy to ask for help since TK can't find anything useful in the med kit. With the help of Tommy, they eventually manage to save her life.

Then, while they're about to land in Austin, TK tells Owen that he lied earlier about what he was doing in that ambulance, that he was going to steal the two vials of Fentanyl and get so high that nothing mattered, and he would've done it if Owen hadn't found him when he did. TK adds that he can't believe he was going to do that to Gwyn before apologizing to Owen. Owen tells him that everything is going to be okay before offering his hand to TK so he could hold onto it.

Once they land, TK tells Owen that they won't make it to the funerals and Owen agrees that they won't. TK asks if he thinks Gwyn will forgive them and Owen replies that she'll understand. Owen leaves and TK is quickly joined by Carlos who runs to him and hugs him tightly. Carlos tells him that he didn't think he would see him again and that he blamed himself for putting them on that flight. TK tells him that's it's okay and when Carlos worries about the blood on TK's shirt, he reassures him, saying that the blood isn't his before kissing him and hugging him. TK pulls out of the hug when he sees Genevieve and tells Carlos that he'll be right back before going to check on her. Genevieve tells him his mum would be so proud of him and Owen joins them, saying that she already is. Then, Owen asks him what he wants to do, and TK says he wants to remember Gwyn, right now, before asking Owen and Carlos if they want Chinese food.

In "The Bird", when TK is leaving the firehouse to come back home, Tommy stops him and asks him to sit for a minute. Tommy tells him she's not very good at discussing uncomfortable matters and TK replies that she knows she wants to talk about him going through the narcotics safe the day of Gwyn's funeral. He adds that he'll understand whatever way Tommy will reprimands him, but she has his words it won't happen again. Tommy replies that she knows it won't and that she appreciates his honesty but it's not what she wants to talk to him about. She wants to know how he's holding up after Gwyn's death and TK says that he doesn't have any other options than going through it. Tommy tells him that he can tell her if it crosses any boundaries but that she goes to meetings sometimes about people who lost someone and that she knows the thought of pouring his heart out to strangers might sound excruciating, but it could help. She stops when she sees TK's reaction to her words, but he tells her that he'd love to go to a meeting with her.

Later, he goes to a meeting with Tommy and tells everyone a story about how Gwyn saved his life when he was 5 years old and fell into water. He tells them he hasn't thought about this story in years and probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for going to a meeting before he thanks Tommy for telling him to join her.

Forced Relapse[]

In "Negative Space", TK comes home from going out to pick up take out to Carlos and Sadie watching security camera footages. While they're eating, TK starts coughing because of how spicy the pho is and stands up, apologising to Sadie and going into their bedroom to get rid of his hoodie or open a window. Later, Carlos finds out that Sadie put 70mg of oxy in their soup and when he tries to go look for TK, he finds him unconscious on the ground before he passes out too. Once they learn that Sadie is the stalker, Owen and Gabriel go to their place and found TK, Carlos and Marjan who arrived later and got stabbed by Sadie.

The next day, TK comes by the firehouse and Nancy and Tommy are surprised to see him there. He tells them that he had to get out of the house and Tommy asks him how Carlos is doing which TK replies that he's doing fine while resting at home, Tommy asks if he shouldn't be doing the same and TK replies that it's better that he's at the firehouse than home right now otherwise he'll be spinning out about being back to day one of his sobriety since the pills Sadie used were opioids. Tommy accepts his answer and tells him to go back to work which TK immediately does.

In "Riddle of the Sphynx", TK comes late from an AA meeting and Carlos asks him how it was, TK replies that it was a lot like the last night and the six before that. Carlos tells him that he's so proud of him and TK asks if he is because he went to a meeting, Carlos replies that it's because he went to ninety meetings in ninety days. TK says that he loves going to them, but he doesn't love why he has to go, adding that Sadie stole a year of sobriety from him and that it used to be himself who made choices that led him to relapse, this time it wasn't. Carlos says that he was a reading an article online about how it's best not to dwell on people who are connected to the relapse, no matter the consequences, TK agrees and adds that it's something Cooper said. Carlos says that Cooper has been popping up a lot lately and TK replies that Cooper has been going to a few meetings, just to support him. Carlos says that he wouldn't mind joining him there if TK wants to and TK replies that he appreciates it. Then, TK tells Carlos that he asks Cooper to be his sponsor tonight after what happened with Sadie. TK says that Cooper made a really good point tonight about how TK is more anxious about going back to day one at this moment compared to the other times he relapsed because it's his first time going through it without his mum. Carlos joins him and hugs him from behind, saying that he can't imagine how hard it must be for him. TK starts smiling and when Carlos asks why he is, TK tells him that it's because he's sweet, reading articles online and waiting for him to eat dinner. Carlos replies that he's always there for him and while he knows he isn't in the program, he's always there if TK wants to get something off his chest, TK flirtily replies that he'd like to get something off Carlos' chest, talking about his shirt.

Later, at 3am, Carlos wakes up alone in bed and hears TK talking in the living room, he goes looking for him and realizes he's on the phone with Cooper, thanking him about taking his call and saying that he just really needed to talk. In the morning, while Carlos is doing some yoga, TK comes in the living room with his backpack. Carlos points out that he looks nice before asking if he forgot they're having plans tonight, TK replies that he isn't and that he's going to his second meeting of the day. Carlos asks if something is wrong and TK replies that not really, he's just feeling restless. Carlos apologizes for not noticing and TK replies that there's no problem, he didn't want to annoy Carlos while he was doing yoga. Carlos says that TK isn't bugging him, adding that he's a pretty good listener and TK flirtily replies that he is, but when he's wearing yoga clothes, TK isn't a very good talker. Carlos retorts that he's serious and he wants to help, asking TK what makes him restless. TK replies that sometimes he doesn't know why until he's standing in the front of that room. TK adds that he called Cooper and he's going to drive at a meeting at the Y, Carlos says that he thinks TK's wearing a very nice sweater for the Y. They're interrupted by a knock on the door and TK tells Carlos that it's Cooper, asking him if he can open the door. Once he's inside, Cooper says he feels like he knows Carlos because TK raves about him and Carlos says that they have something in common then. Once TK comes back, Carlos offers them to stay for a quick coffee or tea, but TK tells him that the meeting is at 5pm so they have to leave now.

Later that night, TK is coming home from the meeting to Carlos making dinner - for himself only. When Carlos starts eating, he notices standing behind him, leaning against the doorframe and asks if he should've been cooking for two because he figured out by the time it was 8pm, TK and Coop would be eating dinner together. TK replies no and says it's fine when Carlos offers to make him a plate. TK moves from his spot and goes sitting down, asking if something's wrong and when Carlos replies no, he asks him if he's sure because Carlos called Cooper "Coop" and TK doesn't even think he has. Carlos replies that he thought TK did when he called him at 3am the other night, TK asks if Carlos is really mad at him for calling his sponsor and Carlos replies "of course not" before saying to forget about it and that it's not his place, adding that he's trying to figure out what his place is in all that. TK says that he doesn't know what that means and Carlos replies that it means, if TK wanted someone to talk to at 3am, he could've just rolled over. TK replies that he didn't want to wake him. And when Carlos asks why not, TK replies that it's because Carlos wasn't the one, he needed to speak with. Then, TK points out that Cooper is straight, and Carlos asks why it matters, TK replying that it doesn't. Carlos says that he doesn't think TK is cheating with him, but it feels like Cooper is getting parts of TK that Carlos doesn't have and TK replies that he doesn't want those pieces. Carlos says that he does, he wants all of it and TK says that he has all of TK. TK asks if he'd make Carlos feel better if he'd came to him the next time he needs to use and Carlos replies that he should know he can, TK says that he knows that and he might, but it wouldn't be enough. Carlos understands that he wouldn't be enough, and TK says that he didn't say that it's because Carlos hasn't been where TK is - and thank God he hasn't - and that he needs people in his life that have. TK adds that if that means he'll come home late sometimes, it's just so that he will come home. Carlos stays quiet and TK stands up, kissing Carlos' head and caressing it before leaving the living room.

After a tough call where a boy loses his mother right in front of him, TK comes home and dugs up photo albums of him and Gwyn. Carlos finds him there and tells him that he thought TK had a meeting tonight, TK replies that he blew it off. Carlos notices the photos albums and sit beside TK while looking at them. TK says that he was so happy the day one of the photos was taken and that he'd do anything to go back before starting to tell Carlos about the emergency call and how horrible it was, how everything is horrible right now. He starts crying and asks Carlos if he can do him a favor, Carlos accepts and TK tells him that he'd like if Carlos could put back those photo albums, not knowing why he even brought them out before telling him that he's going to go lay down for a bit. Later, Carlos comes to find TK in their bedroom and refuses to hear TK when he tells him he's not hungry, telling to come out of the room. TK comes out and sees Cooper in their living room, he asks him if Carlos called him which Cooper confirms before saying that TK should've called him. TK asks how Carlos got his number and Carlos replies that he did a background check on him. He tells them he put the pizza in the oven and set a timer, so they won't miss it before grabbing his keys and jacket. TK asks him if he's leaving and Carlos says that he and Cooper have a lot to talk about, TK says that he doesn't know what to say and Carlos replies that he doesn't either and that's why Cooper is here. Carlos leans down and kisses TK's cheek and TK grabs his wrist and thanks him, adding "I love you", Carlos replies that he knows before leaving their loft, a smile on his face.

Wedding's Struggles[]

After touring fourteen wedding venues, TK and Carlos finally found the perfect venue but it's only available in 18 months so they either have to settle for something they love less or wait a year and a half. After, the 126 come back from a call, Carlos is there to wait for him and tells him that they have to talk. They go up to the bunk room and Carlos told him that he's already married to a woman. TK repeats it and Carlos replies that they're married in name only and that back then it was the only way they could do it. TK asks him if she needed a green card but Carlos replies that they were in high school together, that they were best friends and that they were both feeling lonely. He adds that after he came out to his parents and that they didn't react, he felt like a disappointment and decided to marry his best friend, the person who knew everything about him, including the fact that he's gay. He says that they tried to convince themselves it would work but it didn't and that they never got a divorce because things happen. Then, he reveals to TK that he's married to Iris Blake, Michelle Blake's little sister who disappeared and only came back to Austin three years ago. They stayed married because Carlos' health insurance helped her with her schizophrenia, TK asks him if she's doing better now and Carlos replies that he doesn't know because he hasn't contacted either of the Blake sisters in a long time. He adds that he's a terrible friend and TK comforts him saying that he isn't, that he's an incredible friend and that everything is going to be okay because the wedding is a year and a half away. Carlos replies that they only have 8 weeks because the dream venue called him and told him they had a spot available. TK, joyful, asks him if it's enough time to get a divorce and Carlos replies that it better be but that the state of Texas require people to be divorced a full month before they get married.

In "The New Hot Mess", Carlos comforts a stressed TK who's feeling like he's meeting Carlos' parents all over again and he tells TK that while Iris' filter might be gone when she's on her meds, she's blunt, not malicious. Once she's at their place, she questions TK a lot, upsetting him a little despite him not showing anything apart from tight smiles and short answers. When she asks why they want to get married, Carlos replies that they do because they love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, that it's not more complicated than that. Iris says it is because Carlos is already married, Carlos agrees and reminds her that it's what she's here for. To sign the divorce papers. Once Iris asks TK the divorce papers, he brings her, but she doesn't sign them immediately because she needs to read them over and put them in her purse along with pastries and she leaves the loft after telling TK he is "exactly what she expected". When TK asks him "what the hell happened?", Carlos only replies that "Iris happened". The next day, TK is at the firehouse with Nancy, and he tells her what happened the night before, she tells him that he and Carlos can just get married and figure out the legalities later but TK replies that he can't do that because LGBT+ people fight so hard to have their marriages legally recognized that when he says "I do" he wants the whole world to know he did. Then, Nancy tells him that he should go see her and see what she meant.

Later that day, TK goes to the homeless shelter where Iris works and asks her if he can talk to her, wondering if she reads the divorce papers yet. She replies that she did but that she thinks it's a mistake. TK tells her that it isn't a mistake, that he and Carlos aren't a mistake. When she continues by saying she won't sign them, TK replies that he knows Carlos loves and cares for her, but they cannot stay married because Carlos is gay and he's TK's. Iris replies that she knows and when TK asks her why she still won't sign them, she tells him that she won't sign them because TK shouldn't be Carlos' second marriage, he should be his first and last and that's why they'll get an annulment instead of a divorce. TK smiles at that and then hugs her. Then, before she leaves, he asks her what she meant by "he was exactly what she expected" and she tells him that he's a hot mess, that Carlos always needs a project, the more tragic - the better. TK asks her if that's what she thinks he is to Carlos and she replies that he isn't, that he could be Carlos' life project instead.

At night, when he's at home with Carlos, deciding what to get for dinner, he's not okay after his talk with Iris and tells Carlos that maybe they should call off the wedding, Carlos finds that weird and goes to him, asking what's wrong. TK asks him if he sees him as a project, something that needs fixing and Carlos replies that he doesn't, wondering what brought this on. TK asks if Carlos married Iris because he thought she needed "fixing" and that he wanted to cure her from her illness. Carlos replies that when he married Iris, she hasn't shown signs of schizophrenia yet and that when they got married, he was the one who needed fixing, not her, and that then, he realized that he didn't need fixing. TK asks him when he realized that and Carlos replies that it was probably the day they met. Carlos teases TK a little bit more and they share soft kisses before being interrupted by Carlos' phone buzzing - a detective telling him Iris's missing.

In "Cry Wolf", Carlos and TK are interrogated by detective Grier who believed Iris ran away after Carlos gave her the divorce papers because she was upset or that she had a schizophrenic episode, Carlos tells her that Iris has been doing fine and TK jumps him saying that Iris wasn't upset about the divorce papers because to Carlos' surprise - he went to see her at the shelter to ask her about signing the papers and she told him that she'd think it's a better idea that they'd get an annulment, and that they even hugged. After detective Grier leaves, Carlos takes his jacket and tells TK he's going on his shift that only starts the next morning but that he can't just stay home and do nothing while she's out there. TK accuses Carlos of thinking it's his fault and when Carlos replies that he didn't say that, TK tells him that he knows he's thinking it. Carlos turns to him and tells him that they agree to not push or badger her, TK apologises and replies that he knows but that Iris was fine. Carlos tells him that she isn't fine before leaving the loft.

Later on a call, the 126 have to rescue a woman who seemingly jumped off a cliff. Carlos arrives on the scene, thinking the victim is Iris and he ignores TK. Then, the 126 learn from Marjan and Paul that the victim is actually a sex doll that was tossed off the cliff by the caller. After Carlos and Grace manage to rescue Iris, the 126's paramedics take care of her while Carlos is comforting Iris. At the firehouse, after TK has received a call from Carlos, he talks to Tommy about how Iris' mental illness might have make up her kidnapping because the drones surrounding the house didn't catch up anyone leaving the house before the SWAT and Austin PD came in. TK worries he might have led her to have an episode by going to talk to her.

At the end of the day, while they're having a 126 hang, TK receives a call from Carlos who tell him to not wait up because he's going to spend the night with Iris at the hospital. They exchanged quiet I love yous and hangs up. TK tells the rest that Carlos isn't coming home before he goes into their bedroom, not hungry anymore.

Rescuing Carlos[]

After their last call, Carlos isn't responding to TK's texts and calls and TK assumes that Carlos does that because he is still mad at him. TK asks Owen for advices and Owen tells him to wait for Carlos to be the one to contact him. Then, TK talks to the rest of the 126 who tells him that he could try to text or call him again but TK doesn't want to be the "guy who nags before they're even married" but then he realises Nancy can be the one calling him because she was one of the people who treated Iris the day before and it would sound less like TK is interfering. Nancy calls the hospital and after a few seconds, she tells TK that Carlos isn't at the hospital and he hasn't been there for the night.

After that TK calls dispatch and more particularly Grace to ask her if she can locates Carlos' phone even if isn't really legal. Grace can't find his phone but she tells TK that it looks like Carlos' phone has either been destroyed or the battery has been removed. Then, TK goes to the Reyes' house to see if Carlos is there - which he isn't - and receives a hug from Andrea before telling her and Gabriel that Carlos hasn't been at the hospital when he said he was and he wasn't able to join him. Gabriel asks him if he was driving his car and decides to put a BOLO on him and the camaro before they're interrupted by a call from Grace who tells him TK was his last call and he did it from the house where they rescued Iris. TK and Gabriel go investigate to the house and meet detective Grier who still doesn't believe Iris' story, TK gets upset and tells her that he treated Iris and she wasn't lying, and that Carlos wouldn't disappear without any valid reasons. Gabriel tells him to leave the room and when TK is pacing in the other room he found ID papers that someone tried to burn and shows them to the detective who finally decides to make forensic come to the house and inspect it. She tells him they'll start canvassing the neighborhood but TK doesn't want to wait for that and leaves the house, going straight to the house next door, not knowing Carlos is in there. There, he asks the woman questions and shows picture of Carlos, asking her if she has seen anything but she lies to him and tells him she saw nothing before cutting the conversation short when Carlos makes a shovel fall and causes noises.

At the police station, TK asks them why they're searching for the missing women instead of Carlos and Gabriel tells him that it's the best way to find him. TK asks if they're looking for a serial killer and Gabriel agrees before TK worries about the fact that they most likely won't find Carlos alive. He asks Gabriel how he can be so calm during all this and Gabriel replies that if they have to cry, they'll do it when there's a good reason. Later, TK finds out that the link between the missing women is that they have the same pharmacist and when TK and Gabriel go to the pharmacy, they found out about a man named Darryl who just left. TK also realized that Darryl hid Carlos' car to lure the cops off his trail. When they reach his house, Gabriel kicks the door open to find Carlos barely conscious and Darryl with a bloody face with his mother. TK goes to Carlos and has to start CPR and mouth-to-mouth because he doesn't have a pulse, he keeps doing that until back-up arrives with the Narcan and once he has it, TK injects it in his thigh, waking up Carlos immediately. He starts fighting until he realizes its TK and Gabriel are the ones touching him. When Carlos is on the stretcher, about to be loaded up in the ambulance, he thanks TK for saving his life and TK replies that he did it on his own, TK only had to hold onto it. Carlos tells him that his life is TK's. Finally, TK tries to call his father for the hundredth times, only to hear that his voice messages box is full.

Huntington's Disease[]

During Donors, TK is attacked by a patient who had a recently implanted kidney. His assailant made his escape while TK was tended to by his friends. He suffered a black eye from the assault and was teased by the house. TK told him to cut it out because he was already frazzled from the impending visit of his newly revealed half uncle Robert.

In "A House Divided", he was going through his grandfather's journal when Owen comes to visit TK at the loft. TK was alarmed when his father tells him that Robert has Huntington's disease and TK quickly realizes that he and Owen are at risk to have since the gene it is on his grandfather's side of the family. Owen tells him that he'll have the results in 48 hours. Then, when Carlos comes home from his shift, TK tells him about it and about the symptoms he might develop due to the disease, letting Carlos know that he doesn't expect him to go through with the wedding after this revelation, Carlos replies that they're going for "sickness and in health" so he'll be there for TK no matter what. He reassures him and tells him that if TK is sick and forgot him then Carlos will be there everyday remembering who he is and what they are to each other by saying "Hi. You're TK, I'm Carlos and we're soulmates". Later, Owen calls TK to tell him the news: he tested negative to the gene which means neither he or TK have it.


TK is intelligent for what he does, with knowledge on both firefighting and medical services. He's selfless and kind, always trying to take care, comfort and support his family and friends and even worrying about someone else before himself, as it's shown when he asks about the little boy who shot him and put him into a coma in season one before asking about himself or when he tells Carlos to breathe minutes after he woke up from another coma and being on a ventilator. He can be a bit impulsive when it comes to his loved ones and would rather put himself at risk to save someone else's life. He doesn't like being put under pressure or stress, and can react impulsively and violently when it happens.


Owen Strand[]

Main article: TK-Owen (relationship)

TK and his dad had a very close relationship in the first season of the show, seeing as they were living together and only really knew each other in Austin. But they became more distant as the show evolved, with TK getting his life back together and spending more time building his future. In the third season of the show, Owen points out that it's been a while since they've actually talked and he apologizes for that but tells TK that he's proud of him and that he loves him. In the fourth season, after being occupied by the FBI and the Honor Dogs, Owen goes to TK and Carlos' loft to talk to TK and tells him that he's proud of him. Later, he takes over the wedding planning because he thinks it's the last thing TK will need from him now that he's getting married. Touched, TK tells him that he'll still need him to help him be an amazing father who gives good advice and because Owen is his best friend.

Gwyneth Morgan[]

TK and his mother were close. She saved his life when he almost drowned when he was 5 years old and she was the one who made him go to a rehab center after she found unconscious with a needle in his arms. They both loved each other so much and Gwyn worried a lot about him, shown as her asking TK's doctor multiple questions after he was shot and her coming to Austin to check on him while he was recovering. TK dreams of her while he's in a coma and recalls moments they shared when he was younger. When T.K learns of her sudden death, he is devastated.

Carlos Reyes[]

Main article: TK-Carlos (relationship)

TK is Carlos' love interest throughout the series. They first met in season one during a car accident where both the Austin PD and Austin FD are needed. Later, we see Carlos asking TK to dance whilst they are all at the bar at the end of their first shift. Their relationship grows as the series goes on, and they eventually move in together in season two. However, sometime between that season and season three, they break up but soon get back together after TK ends up in a coma after saving a kid from hypothermia. At the end of the third season, TK proposes to Carlos and the two become engaged. In the fourth season, they are planning their wedding and when Carlos was kidnapped, TK scrambled to rescue him. They are each other's soulmates.

Judd Ryder[]

TK and Judd get off on the wrong foot when TK ignores Judd's instructions on a call that could have ended a lot worse. Judd then calls TK 'the coach's kid' which greatly annoys TK in "Texas Proud". After a discussion with his wife, who prompts Judd to apologize to TK, the two of them hug it out and become close friends. Judd seems to be quite protective over TK, like an older brother would. Judd is shown praying with Grace when TK is at the hospital. He is also very understanding and even kisses TK's head when TK, after revealing his addiction and relapse, tells the 126 team that he's decided not to leave his job in Austin, We Have a Problem. In "Everyone and Their Brother", TK asks Judd to help him teach him how to drive the firetruck and when he fails, TK tells him that he's distracted because he got some news the night before; his parents told him that they were expecting another baby. Judd hugs TK during his one year anniversary of sobriety party. They share two hugs in "Saving Grace": one when Grace is unconscious and Judd is in obvious pain and the other when Judd tells everyone that Grace is pregnant. In "The Big Heat" Judd asks Carlos to leave TK alone when the couple gets in to a fight. At the end of the episode he is seen comforting TK after Carlos' and his house gets burned down in.

Marjan Marwani[]

Marjan and TK are friends. In "Texas Proud", he tries to save her life when she's in a dangerous situation on a call, putting his own life at risk. He also like other 126 fire fighters greatly respects Marjan's religious beliefs and is seen rushing to cover her when she loses her hijab. In "2100°", Marjan puts her hand on TK's shoulder to bring him comfort after Tim's death. In " Slow Burn" TK arranges a hang out at their place to give a devastated Marjan a fun time after her failing to save a victim earlier in the episode. TK also appears to be secretly happy when he and Carlos are beaten by Marjan in a board game.

Paul Strickland[]

TK and Paul are close friends. In "Studs", TK encourages Paul to go on a date with Josie. When later in the episode, he found out that the end of the date didn't go well, he and Carlos tell Paul that he has to come with them to a club where they spend the night dancing. They share a hug after TK comes clean about his addiction in "Austin, We Have a Problem". In "Difficult Conversations", they're struggling to tell Mateo about the typo in his tattoo and try to get Marjan to be the one who tells him. In "Displaced", they're teasing each other while the firefighters are cleaning the firetruck. In "Bad Call", after TK's speech at his party, Paul tells him that they all love him.

Mateo Chavez[]

TK and Mateo are friends. Mateo often acts like a little brother to TK. TK (and the rest of the firecrew) helped Mateo pass his exam by reading manuals to him via recording to make it easier for him. When TK comes to the station, Mateo hugs him, forgetting about his wound. Mateo is the one to comfort TK in "The Big Heat" when the latter comes to Owen's place after he gets arrested and his fight with Carlos.


At first, TK tries to keep Buttercup away from him when he learns that the dog has a cancer too because he "can't fall in love with one more thing he knows he's going to lose" ("Monster Inside"). Buttercup keeps trying to get close to TK because TK is his favorite. When Owen tells him that "it's okay to love him", TK hugs Buttercup. When TK gets shot and is at the hospital, Buttercup sleeps on TK's bed and when TK comes to visit the firehouse, Buttercup comes up to him and TK gives him another hug.

Nancy Gillian[]

The beginning of their friendship was difficult because while Nancy was happy to have him as a new partner and how he left the "cool kids" table to join the "geeks" by becoming a paramedic. But she also felt annoyed when TK decided to change the place of few items in the ambulance and jealous when Tommy was impressed by everything he was doing. After his talk with Carlos, TK asks Nancy to help them with something and they go outside the firehouse where Judd, Marjan, Paul and Mateo are waiting for them and how they have written Tim's name on the ambulance along with the date of his last call. In "Bad Call", Nancy watches over TK after he gets a concussion while they're kidnapped and helps saving his life in "Thin Ice". Nancy is also now hanging out with TK, Carlos, Marjan, Paul and Mateo as a part of their group of friends.

Tommy Vega[]

Tommy and TK have a close relationship. They are able to communicate without speaking during calls and she's been a great support to him after he lost his mother, as the only person in the 126 who lost a loved one recently. TK often comes to her when he needs to talk about personal things like having kids.


  • TK and his father Owen Strand are the only characters on 9-1-1: Lone Star who so far have appeared in every episode of the series.
  • TK has two tattoos: a SOS one with the Earth as the O on his upper arm and a honeybee also on his arm. Those are two of Ronen's actual tattoos. TK is also, like Ronen, left-handed.
  • TK routinely wears a silver necklace with a fire rescue emblem and the number of his former firehouse (252).
  • He's been working as a firefighter for seven years. ("Everyone and Their Brother")
  • His full name was revealed to be Tyler Kennedy Strand in the episode "Texas Proud". He's named after his uncle, Tyler, who drowned during a surfing accident while he was out at the beach with Owen. ("Shift-Less")
  • He has loved interacting with dogs ever since he was 2 years old. ("Monster Inside")
  • He lived at the 1234 Iron Mountain DR with Owen. ("Act of God") When he moved in with Carlos and up until the arson, he lived at 540 Lynwood Avenue. ("The Big Heat) They now lived in a loft downtown, apartment 3A.
  • He once saved the window washer from the 44th floor of the Chrysler Building. ("Texas Proud")
  • TK's application as a paramedic shows that he has: high grades in his PET, top marks in agility and multiple commendations of valor. ("Everyone and Their Brother")
  • He's Jewish. ("Displaced")
  • He speaks Hebrew and was in Hebrew school when he was 10. ("Thin Ice")
  • He can play baseball and was part of a little league. ("Red vs. Blue" & "Abandoned")
  • He and Carlos own a bearded dragon that Carlos brought home for TK in "Swipe Left".
  • He never met his paternal grandfather and it is unknown what terms he is or was on his grandmother.
  • Though not officially confirmed, it can be inferred that TK was born in December of 1993.
    • In Awakening, there is a flashback to December of 2001 in which Owen and Gwyn are arguing, with Gwyn stating the Owen missed his son's birthday. From this scene, it can be inferred that TK's birthday is in December. Later in the episode, Owen states that "in 26 years," he hasn't "been prouder of [TK]". From this scene, it can be inferred that TK is 26 years old in early 2020, when the episode takes place. Combining information from the two scenes, it can be inferred that TK must have turned 26 in December of 2019, having been born in 1993.
    • Two later episodes further support his birth year being 1993. In Riddle of the Sphynx, TK tells Carlosthat he was 6 years old when a photo labeled "2000" was taken, confirming that he was born in either 1993 or 1994. In A Bright and Cloudless Morning, there is a flashback that is implied to be from the morning of 9/11. In the flashback, Owen states that TK is 7 years old. If TK was 7 years old in September 2001, this means that he must have turned 8 in December 2001, with his birth year being 1993.


Season One
"Pilot" "Yee-Haw" "Texas Proud" "Act of God" "Studs"
"Friends Like These" "Bum Steer" "Monster Inside" "Awakening" "Austin, We Have a Problem"
Season Two
"Back in the Saddle" "2100°" "Hold the Line" "Friends With Benefits" "Difficult Conversations"
"Everyone and Their Brother" "Displaced" "Bad Call" "Saving Grace" "A Little Help From My Friends"
"Slow Burn" "The Big Heat" "One Day" "Dust to Dust"
Season Three
"The Big Chill" "Thin Ice" "Shock and Thaw" "Push" "Child Care"
"The ATX-Files" "Red vs. Blue" "In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency" "The Bird" "Parental Guidance"
"Prince Albert in a Can" "Negative Space" "Riddle of the Sphynx" "Impulse Control" "Down To Clown"
"Shift-Less" "Spring Cleaning" "A Bright and Cloudless Morning"
Season Four
"The New Hotness" "The New Hot Mess" "Cry Wolf" "Abandoned" "Human Resources"
"This Is Not A Drill" "Tommy Dearest" "Control Freaks" "Road Kill" "Sellouts"
"Double Trouble" "Swipe Left" "Open" "Tongues Out" "Donors"
"A House Divided" "Best Of Men" "In Sickness and In Health"


